Friday, August 26, 2011

A Just World


"In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same." This was Albert Einstein's view on justice. What is justice? Justice is the quality of being fair and reasonable. If I were given the opportunity to create a "New World", I would build it so that no matter what happens, everything would be just.

Justice is an important characteristic because in a world that is just, people would be treated fairly and people would do what is right. I think that the so called "perfect" world would have a system of laws in place to guide the people to live by the truth and do what is morally right. The system would allow the society to be content because it would be fair to all its people. The laws would be emphasized enough for the people to understand it and put it to action, but not forced so people feel trapped and under pressure to live a certain way. There would also be punishments for those who not only disobey the law but also meddle with other's chances to live a happy and "normal" life; but those punishments would be humane. Those punishments would be in place not to put fear in to people's minds, but solely for the reason of bringing justice to those who are harmful towards others. I believe that a place where everyone does what's right and everything is in order is a place that is one step closer to being a utopia.

Another reason I would have the New World built around justice is because it would bring a sense of security towards the people. Even when there are laws that seem flawless and you and your neighbors do what's right for yourself and for the greater good, there are always people who are either unhappy or just have the urge to break the law and the peaceful flow. A perfect just system would ensure that those who commit crimes and terrorize others are brought to justice and dealt with humanely. Once people can trust the system to take care of their fears that can be dealt with, their minds will be more at ease. They will feel something lift off their chests and feel like they can finally live free, and be genuinely happy. There are a lot of "small" crimes or fears that are overlooked in our society, and while some may not notice it, others think about it constantly and worry. For instance, over the past few months in Malaysia there have been people riding around in motorcycles terrorizing people by spraying hydrochloric acid on them. While some people were totally clueless about this, like myself, some others were scared, worried, and very cautious about going out. In the New World I would hope that the system would be able to bring justice to every criminal possible, even the ones that seem to be small and lacking influence, and enable people's minds to rest in peace.

Every nation's goal is, or should be, to make their people happy and to make the living environment be as good as it can be. For an "utopia" to exist, people have to be fully content with what they have. Fully. They cannot fear anything, want anything, be sad about anything, or be angry. If it is actually possible to create an utopia is hard to say, but it is surely possible to improve our world. In the New World, without justice, there would be disorder everywhere, people wouldn't always act on what's "right", and people definitely would not be satisfied; which would ruin the whole purpose of a "New World". As mentioned earlier, Albert Einstein once claimed that, "In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between small and large problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same." I wholeheartedly agree with him, and believe that that is when justice becomes truly meaningful; when everyone's treatmeant and situation is looked at carefully and is of equal importance.