"Freedom is not worth fighting for if it means no more than license for everyone to get as much as he can for himself." - Dorothy Canfield Fisher
1. Would you want your future to be decided by others ? Why or Why not?
I can answer this question quite easily. I would definitely not like to have my future decided by other people. My main reason is because if someone else decided my future for me it might be totally different to what I really want to do. They might give me a job that I have absolutely no interest in. And of course, leading into the choosing itself, it would be no fun if others just chose it for you. In my opinion we deserve to look at all the possiblities laying ahead of us and choose the one we want. If someone chose my future for me, especially in Jonas' community, I'd expect my life to be extremely boring because although you're living an every day life, you don't really have a life because you practically do the same thing every day and you have no passion for it. Also, your job is not the only thing that gets chosen for you in Jonas' community. Your spouse is assigned to you as well. You should have the freedom to marry the person you want and I know I would want that too instead of just being assigned a spouse matching my intelligence level etc.
I guess I'm actually more against living in Jonas' community than just having my future chose by others. Of course I still don't like the idea of being my future pre-determined since it means that I didn't choose it, and I might have no intention to live the kind of life that was chosen for me. However in addition to the pre-determined future and family units, there are a lot of features in Jonas' community that I dislike. First of all, I do not like the fact that they are given their assigned jobs at the age of twelve. In my opinion, you haven't really been able to enjoy your life yet. Well you could have had much fun when you were young, but can you really remember all that if it happened when you were young? You probably couldn't remember too much of it. They stop you before you start to really enjoy your life, and they give you a job. Also before you turn twelve (since Eight to be more exact) you have to do volunteer hours to fulfill the required amount. To be honest when I read this part I thought, how is it volunteer work if you HAVE to do it? Anyway, since we're getting a little off task, after you receive training and you have your job, you apply for a spouse and children. Honestly, what's the point of having a spouse if you don't love them and you barely have anything to do with them. Why not just have a center where babies are trained and taken care by some people and when they grow up just give them jobs? Also, people should have the choice to have children or not. This is where I come back to the reponse to the question. People should have the freedom to make choices for themselves.
Well, there are some bad things that might happen. Not all people are capable of making the right choices for them. They might make the wrong choices and very bad results might greet them. For example, if they choose a job that is not fit for them or if they choose not to have a job at all, they might end up losing everything they had or commiting suicide. Also if they choose the wrong person to marry they could go through very hard times making the both of them very unhappy and a possible divorce in the end. However, I think the risk is worth it. For every good thing there is always a bad side. Despite all the bad things that might occur because people can choose for themselves, I still think that it is right that people have the choice to choose and I would definitely choose my future for myself.
Part 1
The International School of Kuala Lumpur provides (silence) an exceptional education that challenges each student to (silence) develop the attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding to become a (silence) highly successful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.
New Year's Resolution
1. Exercise more often on the weekends
2. Finish 7th grade math
3. Get taller than 160 cm
4. Read 100 English books and read 50 Korean books
5. Get all As
Free Choice
Over the holidays, I pretty much stayed at home the whole time, sleeping, watching TV, playing computer games, eating, and the whole cycle again. It's hard to say that I used the vacation time efficiently, although I did study math quite a bit. The sad thing is that when it came to the end of the winter break did I start reading books and started actually enjoying the holidays. Over the holidays I watched 5 movies at the cinemas, and besides that I only left my house once (well not literally).
The one day I didn't spend lying down on my sofa was New Year's day. On January 1st, my family and I went to Genting Highlands. We decide to leave at 7:00 the previous night since the theme park opened at 8:00, but we ended up in our car 1 hour later. It's been happening since a few years ago that our family leaves about 1 hour later the time we decided to leave. :P
Anyway, while driving to the Highlands, I was really feeling dizzy and I thought that I was really going to throw up. I was so relieved to be out in the parking lot. We went in, rode several rides, and that was when my brother pointed at a roller coaster and demanded that he had to ride it. It was placed higher than the other rides, and just with its height it looked humongous, and my instinct told me that I was NOT going to ride it. But unfortunately my dad wanted to ride it, and so did my mom. So eventually went up to check it out. The ride was called the Corkscrew. Since I didn't want to ride it, I decided to wait outside. The rest of my family got in line. Then my brain started to think. It kept on telling me, how scary can it be? It's not like it's going to go on forever? That's when I ran to my family to join the line.
Since we had the express ticket and could cut through the line, I didn't even have a moment to hesitate and get away from the roller coaster. A few minutes later I found myself on the roller coaster, getting ready to go. It started to move. I closed my eyes. I did not want to see what was about to happen. I suddenly wanted to open my eyes, but I was afraid that we'd still be going up. A second later, I felt the car change direction. Although I knew this probably wasn't the right time, I opened my eyes just to see the roller coaster head straight down.
Few minutes later, I found myself on the platform. It had been pretty quick, and I must say that I actually kind of enjoyed it. The ride was pretty thrilling, and I had the urge of living the moment again. Apparently I wasn't the only one. So my brother and I stepped into the line again, while my parents stepped back. Time flied, this time I was in the very front car, I did not think that it would make any difference, later I ended up limping away from the roller coaster sick, tired.....