For this week's blog post we have to write comments for our group members' blog posts, and I am going to be giving comments about Peggy's blog post #1 and 2.
Peggy's Blog Post #1
First of all, you followed the criteria very well. It had at least three paragraphs, you displayed your thinking, and you answered one of the three questions with lots of detail and example. After reading your blog post I was able to clearly remember the discussion we had in our group a few weeks ago. I had answered the same question as you for my first blog post so it was easy for me to read your blog post as I was trying to compare yours with mine. Your response was similar to my answer. You talked about how it would be amazing to choose your own path for yourself but how it could be dangerous as well since you might make the wrong choices. You referred to information from the book often and you explained the advantages and disadvantages of having your future predetermined. I agreed with you when you said that a predetermined life would be boring and uninteresting. I also agreed with you with your conclusion saying that you would rather choose your future for yourself. Until I read the last paragraph I didn't really think that I gained any new insight from reading your blog post. However in your last paragraph you mentioned that humans would learn from mistakes. Although I have known this I hadn't really connected it with the idea of making mistakes by making the wrong choices for myself. Overall I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I think you have a lot of voice in your writing, and it is also very easy to understand the situation while reading your blog post because you give the background information. P.S. There's one spelling error :P.
Peggy's Blog Post #2
Once again, you've followed the guidlines - at least 3 paragraphs that shows that you're thinking with evidence from the book. I had answered the same question as you again so I could compare your thoughts with mine. I was familiar with some of the information you wrote down because I had thought so as well. I agreed with you about Jonas being disturbed about the rule 'You may lie' because all his life he had been told not to lie and now he is being told that he was allowed to lie. I also wrote about how Jonas was thinking what if everyone else in the community had received the rule of 'You may lie'. With what you had wrote on your blog post I had generally agreed with. One thing I probably didn't really agree with was the part where you said all lies can be hurtful. Of course most lies are hurtful, but in my opinion some lies are necessary. But I do get what you're trying to say. From reading youre second blog post I gained several new information. First of all, I learned about a white lie. To be honest I never really knew about white lies before. After reading your explanation about white lies, I thought a little about Jonas' parents. Could they feel hurt, or something like that if they learned that Jonas had lied? Anyway, I also thought about how I would feel if I was in Jonas' position. I've kind of thought about that before but not really properly. I learned that I would feel really depressed, irritated, and uncomfortable if I never knew if people were telling the truth or a lie. Actually it is already happening in this world because when you're dealing with other people you can't really truly know if they're telling the truth. If you're telling something only you know whether you're being honest or not. I have enjoyed reading your blog post again, as it had plenty of background information, evidence, and voice. Just watch out for those grammar/spelling mistakes.
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