"Freedom is not worth fighting for if it means no more than license for everyone to get as much as he can for himself." - Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Giver Week 4
Monday, May 24, 2010
The Giver Week 3
Peggy's Blog Post #1
First of all, you followed the criteria very well. It had at least three paragraphs, you displayed your thinking, and you answered one of the three questions with lots of detail and example. After reading your blog post I was able to clearly remember the discussion we had in our group a few weeks ago. I had answered the same question as you for my first blog post so it was easy for me to read your blog post as I was trying to compare yours with mine. Your response was similar to my answer. You talked about how it would be amazing to choose your own path for yourself but how it could be dangerous as well since you might make the wrong choices. You referred to information from the book often and you explained the advantages and disadvantages of having your future predetermined. I agreed with you when you said that a predetermined life would be boring and uninteresting. I also agreed with you with your conclusion saying that you would rather choose your future for yourself. Until I read the last paragraph I didn't really think that I gained any new insight from reading your blog post. However in your last paragraph you mentioned that humans would learn from mistakes. Although I have known this I hadn't really connected it with the idea of making mistakes by making the wrong choices for myself. Overall I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I think you have a lot of voice in your writing, and it is also very easy to understand the situation while reading your blog post because you give the background information. P.S. There's one spelling error :P.
Peggy's Blog Post #2
Once again, you've followed the guidlines - at least 3 paragraphs that shows that you're thinking with evidence from the book. I had answered the same question as you again so I could compare your thoughts with mine. I was familiar with some of the information you wrote down because I had thought so as well. I agreed with you about Jonas being disturbed about the rule 'You may lie' because all his life he had been told not to lie and now he is being told that he was allowed to lie. I also wrote about how Jonas was thinking what if everyone else in the community had received the rule of 'You may lie'. With what you had wrote on your blog post I had generally agreed with. One thing I probably didn't really agree with was the part where you said all lies can be hurtful. Of course most lies are hurtful, but in my opinion some lies are necessary. But I do get what you're trying to say. From reading youre second blog post I gained several new information. First of all, I learned about a white lie. To be honest I never really knew about white lies before. After reading your explanation about white lies, I thought a little about Jonas' parents. Could they feel hurt, or something like that if they learned that Jonas had lied? Anyway, I also thought about how I would feel if I was in Jonas' position. I've kind of thought about that before but not really properly. I learned that I would feel really depressed, irritated, and uncomfortable if I never knew if people were telling the truth or a lie. Actually it is already happening in this world because when you're dealing with other people you can't really truly know if they're telling the truth. If you're telling something only you know whether you're being honest or not. I have enjoyed reading your blog post again, as it had plenty of background information, evidence, and voice. Just watch out for those grammar/spelling mistakes.
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Giver Week 2
In a well structured 3 paragraph response (including evidence), choose one of the following three questions :
-1. When Jonas learns all about colors, he claims "it isn't fair that nothing has color". Why does he say this?
2. Why does Jonas find the instruction about lying so disturbing?
3. Why does The Giver say that making choices would be frightening for people?
The response is due Tuesday, 18th May.
Once again, I am going to start with a summary of what has happened so far. During the night of the Ceremony of Twelve Jonas had opened his folder which would contain the information he needed for the training. Jonas had found only one single page, and it had 8 instructions. There was instructions that surprised Jonas such as the one that mentioned that Jonas was allowed to lie and the one that said that he was exempted from rules about rudeness, that he was allowed to ask any kind of question to anyone in the community and that he would get the answer. The following day Jonas received his first memory, a very pleasant one with a sled ride on a hill with snow. Day after day that the Giver gave him many more pleasant memories, with only 'painful' memory which was the sunburn (not really that painful). One of the most important things that happened was the fact that Jonas learned about the concept of color. Although he couldn't keep the colors for more than about a second, he could see the different colors now such as red, green, and blue (before the power to see color had been mentioned as the power to see beyond, and yes so the everyone in the community cannot see color, except the Giver and Jonas). For a moment he thought that it was unfair that people couldn't make choices since they couldn't see color, but he quickly put the idea away because the Giver had suggested that it was dangerous if people made the wrong choices.
The question I have chosen to answer is #2. The question is - Why does Jonas find the instruction about lying so disturbing?. I think my main reason would be because Jonas had been raised that way. In the community that Jonas is living in you are not allowed to lie, you are always supposed to follow the rules, and you should always watch out for your language. Precision of language is taken very seriously in the community. Later in Chapter 16 he had learned about love and had asked his parents if they loved him, and they had replied him that love was the wrong word, and mentioned precision of language once again. Lying is taken even more seriously than precision of language. If you use the wrong word to describe something, you just have to fix your mistake. But lying is just forbidden. You just can't lie. It's forbidden. When you are raised up in Jonas' community you're so used to it that automatically you just don't lie. That was why Jonas was so surprised when he read that final instruction. All these years he was told not to lie, and now it said that he was actually allowed to lie. The reason it disturbed him so much was because he didn't want to lie. Another big thing that disturbed Jonas was the thought that in every other people's folders it said that they could lie as well. He felt frightened at the possibility of everyone already lying all the time.
Page 71 says a lot about what Jonas thinks of the instruction about lying. As I said in the previous paragraph he thought of the possibility that on every one's instruction folder it said 'You may lie'. After he thought more about it and elaborated on it, he thought maybe he could ask people such as his father, 'Do you lie?', but he knew that he would never know if the answer he received was true or not. Although it doesn't go much further than this in the book, after reading this part I thought what if everyone in the community did lie, just like Jonas said? During the discussion in our group, we briefly talked about the fact that the adults in the community all lie. The instructors in the school, etc. We discussed that in order to have the community running the instructors need to teach the students fake information. If we stretch this idea farther, it could be that every single person in the community who is twelve or older is allowed to lie. Overall, I think Jonas was disturbed because it was absolutely opposite to what he had been told in his childhood, and it had scared him to think that everyone in the community lied.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Giver Week 1
1. Would you want your future to be decided by others ? Why or Why not?
2. How do you feel about the "standard practices" and "rituals" in the community?
3. Why is interdependence fostered in the community?
Guidelines for Blog Post - Minimum 3 paragraphs, include examples and evidence from the novel. Enjoy.
First of all, I should probably describe what is going on in the book. The Giver is a book about a imaginary future based utopian community. The book's main character is Jonas and the book revolves around in his point of view. In Jonas' community there are rules for about almost anything and if you do not obey the rules you get released (except for some rules that are lightly taken). Also when you are an infant and you get sick you get released, and when you're very old you get released as well. Besides that, until the age of twelve there is an annual ceremony for every age. There are ceremonies such as getting a ribbon, or getting your own bike. The most important ceremony is the Ceremony of Twelve and this is when you get assigned your job. In Jonas' community you do not get to choose your job. You also don't get to choose your family either. When you get old you are assigned your spouse, and you have to apply for your children (1 boy 1 girl). Yes, you are given your children, because there are birthmothers whose jobs are to give birth. Anyway there is a council who watches what you do until you turn twelve, and they try to make the best choice for you. When Jonas turns twelve, he is 'selected' to be the Receiver of Memory. The Receiver of Memory is very special because there is only one Receiver in the community. The Receiver of Memory is supposed to get special training from the former Receiver. This is what have happened so far in the book, and I chose to answer question number 1 for this blogpost.
1. Would you want your future to be decided by others ? Why or Why not?
I can answer this question quite easily. I would definitely not like to have my future decided by other people. My main reason is because if someone else decided my future for me it might be totally different to what I really want to do. They might give me a job that I have absolutely no interest in. And of course, leading into the choosing itself, it would be no fun if others just chose it for you. In my opinion we deserve to look at all the possiblities laying ahead of us and choose the one we want. If someone chose my future for me, especially in Jonas' community, I'd expect my life to be extremely boring because although you're living an every day life, you don't really have a life because you practically do the same thing every day and you have no passion for it. Also, your job is not the only thing that gets chosen for you in Jonas' community. Your spouse is assigned to you as well. You should have the freedom to marry the person you want and I know I would want that too instead of just being assigned a spouse matching my intelligence level etc.
I guess I'm actually more against living in Jonas' community than just having my future chose by others. Of course I still don't like the idea of being my future pre-determined since it means that I didn't choose it, and I might have no intention to live the kind of life that was chosen for me. However in addition to the pre-determined future and family units, there are a lot of features in Jonas' community that I dislike. First of all, I do not like the fact that they are given their assigned jobs at the age of twelve. In my opinion, you haven't really been able to enjoy your life yet. Well you could have had much fun when you were young, but can you really remember all that if it happened when you were young? You probably couldn't remember too much of it. They stop you before you start to really enjoy your life, and they give you a job. Also before you turn twelve (since Eight to be more exact) you have to do volunteer hours to fulfill the required amount. To be honest when I read this part I thought, how is it volunteer work if you HAVE to do it? Anyway, since we're getting a little off task, after you receive training and you have your job, you apply for a spouse and children. Honestly, what's the point of having a spouse if you don't love them and you barely have anything to do with them. Why not just have a center where babies are trained and taken care by some people and when they grow up just give them jobs? Also, people should have the choice to have children or not. This is where I come back to the reponse to the question. People should have the freedom to make choices for themselves.
Well, there are some bad things that might happen. Not all people are capable of making the right choices for them. They might make the wrong choices and very bad results might greet them. For example, if they choose a job that is not fit for them or if they choose not to have a job at all, they might end up losing everything they had or commiting suicide. Also if they choose the wrong person to marry they could go through very hard times making the both of them very unhappy and a possible divorce in the end. However, I think the risk is worth it. For every good thing there is always a bad side. Despite all the bad things that might occur because people can choose for themselves, I still think that it is right that people have the choice to choose and I would definitely choose my future for myself.