The amazing characterstic about understanding your Learner Profile is that it will help you and your teachers know more about the best learning situations for each student; that is your strenghts, your preferences and areas that we can all work on and improve.
Today's blogpost is a reflection on the Learning Profiles done in class today. In a well structured response (using the information you gained in class), please reflect upon and answer the following:
1. I learn best when...
2. I need to....
3. The strategies that would help me in my learning...
4. I would like my teachers to know this about me....

My learning profile is B, which means that I am a logic learner, my dominant ear is my left ear, and my right eye, hand, and foot are dominant. I learn best when I am sitting in the front of the room on the right hand side where I can hear with my dominant ear. For I am a logic learner, I am a visual learner who needs to see, speak or write to learn. I am able to follow instructions in steps, and I prefer them as well. When I get an assigmen or a project, sometimes I might get confused or lost because I fail to see the big picture, but usually I'll end up just giving myself a to-do list and finish one step at a time. A good strategy for me would be to follow a set of instructions if there are, and if there isn't, just make one up. Something teachers should know about me is that where I sit in the classroom is really important. For example, I sit in the left side in the back of the room in math class, where I feel totally unfocused. Although I'm not exactly under stress, the information goes through my ear but I'm unable to process the information. Fortunately I'm able to make up for it by taking notes. This doesn't have to do with the learning profiles, but another thing I want my teachers to know is that sometimes I might be staring into space when I'm trying to focus or process information. It might look like I'm zooming off, but for real I'm just trying to block out noise and think.
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