Sunday, January 16, 2011

Nazi Propaganda Posters

The Caption on the above poster reads "Healthy Parents Have Healthy Children". On your post please do the following:
1. Describe what you see in the picture. Consider color, placement, people and objects, and composition. Everything that you see.
2. Interpret: Guess about the creator is trying to express through the caption and images. Why is this message being conveyed?
Evaluate: What is the intended purpose of this image? The intended audience? Does the image achieve its purpose?

1. In the poster you can see a very 'ideal' family. First of all, the family is at the center of the poster, grabbing people's attention. The happy family stands out from the dark background. It's hard not to notice the huge smiles on each of their faces. All members of the family look smart, fit, and content. The father figure looks tall and proud, and so does his son. The boy is wearing a uniform, and he looks like a young determined soul. The mother and the girls look like they are having a wonderful life. Besides the boy, they all are dressed 'traditionally'. The familiy seems to be perfect.

2. The father gives the impression that there is absolutely no doubt that he can lead and protect his family. The boy's uniform and eagerness suggests that he is a member of Hitler Youth. The fact that they are wearing traditional clothes show that they are probably a very 'German' family. The creator is trying to give hope to the audience hope by saying the Nazi Party can restore Germany's health and that their families' state can be as good as the ones in the posters. The message gets through because as I mentioned before, it is an ideal family. People would see this poster and think that they want a family just like that. The intended purpose of this image is to get people to believe that voting for the Nazi Party can really solve your problems. This poster is probably aimed at the adults. The poster definitely achieves its purpose for not only does the 'perfect' family grab attention, but gives hope to the people who are caught in the middle of the depression.

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